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 Honey Pot script not processed on SMF
Author: M.Bartmon   (10 May 21 10:42am)
I created, downloaded and ran the php script on my SMF forum and each time it returns a 500 error. I made no changes to the script and tried to regenerate it several times.

SMF version is 2.0.18
PHP version is 5.4.16
 Re: Honey Pot script not processed on SMF
Author: H.User1325   (10 May 21 2:31pm)
Did you change permissions?
 Re: Honey Pot script not processed on SMF
Author: M.Bartmon   (10 May 21 3:59pm)
I changed permissions to 644 and when that did not work to 777
 Re: Honey Pot script not processed on SMF
Author: H.User1325   (11 May 21 12:06pm)
You may want to remove write permission from everyone except owner. 644 should work.
Do you have other PHP scripts that work?

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