Help Fund the Cause

Donate to Project Honey Pot

Project Honey Pot is a community project to benefit the entire Internet community. To maintain the servers necessary to create a reliable and free service we face substantial costs. Yet we are supported by only a meager budget derived from ad revenue and donations.

While we don't charge any sort of fee for a Project Honey Pot account, if you find our services or data useful we hope you'll consider contributing something to the cause.

It doesn't take much. If our average user visits just a few of our advertisers, and contributes $5 or $10 each year, we will be more than able to cover our costs and continue to provide this service to the entire community for free.

If you're in a position to donate something, you can click on the button below and do so through PayPal. We don't suggest a specific amount. Instead, give whatever our service has been worth to you. The funds you provide will be used to track down spammers and bring Project Honey Pot to as many websites as possible.

Thanks to everyone participating in Project Honey Pot, and especially those of you providing the financial support necessary to make it possible.

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