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 No keys available. Try again later.
Author: R.Lightening   (11 Mar 14 8:48am)
Hello all!

I have been trying to obtain an API key but I keep getting the message:
No keys available. Try again later.

Am I doing something wrong? I have tried several times.
 Re: No keys available. Try again later.
Author: H.User1325   (11 Mar 14 11:24am)
I'm just another user, but if you are clicking on the link on your dashboard that is the process. If a "real person" doesn't stop by and see your post soon, you might try the "Contact-us" link at the bottom of the page.

Welcome to the effort.
 Re: No keys available. Try again later.
Author: R.Lightening   (11 Mar 14 12:38pm)
Thank you for taking the time to let me know. I will give the contact us a try a little later.

do not follow this link

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