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 Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: E.Schrombeck   (8 Jul 09 8:26pm)
I work for a dedicated server host, and we have had a few clients complain about ips listed here. I have looked everywhere, but see no where I can request removal of ips from the list. Yes, spammers do occasionally get a server here, but as soon as it is brought to our attention, they are removed, and then the ips are released for use with a new client. Without the ability to remove from the list, these ips become useless. There are some ips that are listed here that were listed 2 years ago, and that was the last activity, and we just acquired the ips from ARIN around 2 months ago. Can someone here help me out?
 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: M.Prince   (10 Jul 09 12:45am)
You can whitelist an IP if you visit the listing page for that IP from the IP itself. There is a 5 second delay initially if you request whitelisting. If bad activity cause the IP to be placed back on the list then the delay becomes exponentially longer. IPs also will drop off the list automatically if no bad activity is observed for 3 months. The record will be retained for historical purposes, but it will be removed from http:BL and a "This IP is likely no longer a threat" alert will appear at the top of the IP record page.
 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: D.Meneghelli   (9 Oct 14 3:53am)
Im the system administrator of the domain
Our server ip is in your list due to a user spam.
We already blocked the account and we would like to remove the ip from your system.
Can you help us?

Your sincerely,
Devis Meneghelli
 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: E.Deg   (27 Oct 14 2:33pm)
Solicitamos que se remueva la direccion IP: , ya se realizaron los analisis correspondiente
 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: C.Sanchez9   (11 Nov 14 8:42am)

I am administrator of the IPs ",".
And reviewing are in blacklist by you.
We reviewed our servers and have implemented rules to avoid sending spam, Therefore I request the delisting of the IPs is performed.
 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: H.User1325   (11 Nov 14 9:07am)
The second post in this thread is still valid.

El segundo puesto en este hilo sigue siendo válida.
 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: J.CARLOS   (27 Feb 15 2:47pm)
please remove mi ip, we're a agency travel, no spamners, thank's.
 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: H.User1325   (27 Feb 15 2:56pm)
please read the second post in this thread by M.Prince. That advice is still valid.
 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: V.Lopes   (19 Mar 15 6:48am)
We ask the removal of the IP from the list.
 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: P.Bronze   (20 May 15 10:05am)
Removing an IP from you list is almost impossible, just explain to me how do I visit your website with a dedicated Linux Server?

We don't have a browser , just the control panel Plesk, and I aces my servers via SSH, just ad a button to remove the IP´s or arrange some method that is possible to Linux Servers, to be removed from your lists.

Thanks for your time.
 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: P.Bronze   (21 May 15 2:20am)
Hello again,
My question still didn't get no feed back, I tried to communicate via email also with no luck, I would appreciate some attention on this question, because it is getting really annoying.
 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: H.User1325   (21 May 15 11:52am)
As you can imagine, it would not be useful for Project Honey Pot to have a process whereby you or anyone else could, with the click of a button, remove an IP address from the listing/database. With that capability, spammers could easily delete all their IP addresses making the HPPT:BL service and database useless as a tool to block comment spammers.

Of course without knowing which IP address you would like to remove from the listing, it is hard to provide any advice on how to correct the problem(s) that caused your IP to be listed in the first place.

Assuming your IP address is used responsibly to add comments to blogs, forums, comment pages, etc. you should only need to follow the suggestions provided in the second post if this thread ONCE to have removal of your IP considered. For that one-time need there are plenty of publicly accessible internet browsers available; A Public Library for example.

On the other hand, if the activities that caused the IP address to be listed are ongoing, all the request to have the IP address removed from the block list and database will correctly be to no avail.

This is just the opinion of one user and volunteer contributor to Project Honey Pot database and forum.
 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: J.Coyacot   (3 Jun 15 5:31am)

When you say "whitelist an IP if you visit the listing page for that IP from the IP itself". Are you referring to this link?

Honestly, this is a hard time delisting the Ip from our end . If possible. Please provide us step by step instructions.
 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: I.Zimbra   (10 Feb 16 6:21pm)
I am administrator of the IPs "".
And reviewing are in blacklist by you.
We reviewed our servers and have implemented rules to avoid sending spam, Therefore I request the delisting of the IPs is performed.
 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: I.Zimbra   (10 Feb 16 6:27pm)

I am administrator of the IPs "".
And reviewing are in blacklist by you.
We reviewed our servers and have implemented rules to avoid sending spam, Therefore I request the delisting of the IPs is performed.
 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: V.Rodriguez3   (24 Aug 16 1:05pm)

I request you to remove my IP address because there any raison to blacklist it .

thank you
 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: M.Masmastermas   (1 Dec 16 1:17am)
Solicito eliminar la dirección IP:, dicha ip fue victima de un ataque cibernetico ya hace años, a día de hoy está limpia.

Please remove blackList, victim of virus attack.
 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: A.Navazi   (9 May 17 10:33pm)

I request you to remove my IP address because there any raison to blacklist it .

thank you
 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: S.Abelenda2   (25 May 17 5:52am)

Please remove IP of the your blacklist.

Thank you
 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: A.Grasso   (6 Jun 17 1:28am)
please can you remove our IP?

There is no more reason to be here.
 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: R.Arais   (14 Aug 17 5:29am)

Please remove the IP from Blacklist, IP corresponding to the domain. Domain used to send company e-mail.

Best regards

Administrator CIESP
 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: M.Customs2   (11 Sep 17 6:02pm)

Please remove the IP from Blacklist, IP corresponding to the domain. Domain used to send company e-mail.

Best regards

 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: H.User1325   (11 Sep 17 6:29pm)
A quick look at
it would also seem that in addition to company e-mail, Mr(?) also uses the IP to send:

Subject: These brain-boosting pills will make your brain wo
Subject: Clarity, sharpness and so much more =?UTF-8?B?4oCT
Subject: Increase your intelligence level activating these
Subject: WARNING: newfound formula to boost your focus
Subject: The greatest caps that will make you 100% smarter
Subject: The best pills that will make you 100% more produc
Subject: Boost your IQ level utilizing these drugs

What business are you in? Glad I am not on your mailing list.

 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: K.Chunge   (3 Dec 18 6:04am)
Hi Support,

Please remove my ip address as soon as possible.

my ip address is -

 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: L.Albareda   (3 Dec 18 7:13am)
I am administrator of the IP "".
And reviewing are in blacklist by you.
We reviewed our servers and have implemented rules to avoid sending spam, Therefore I request the delisting of the IPs is performed.
 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: O.OZTURK   (6 Feb 19 6:54am)
I am administrator of the IP "".
And reviewing are in blacklist by you.
We reviewed our servers and have implemented rules to avoid sending spam, Therefore I request the delisting of the IPs is performed.
 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: I.Manzano   (24 Feb 20 1:55pm)
Hi there,

I am writing this email to request for delisting the following domain and ip addresses you have included in the blacklist:

If there are things that we need to do, please let us know.

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Irish Manzano
 Re: Dedicated server host - how to remove ips from this list
Author: T.Company   (23 Aug 21 9:21am)

I'm the system administrator of the domain .
Our server ip in your list due to a user spam.
We already blocked the account who sent a spam and we would like to remove the ip from your system.

Can you help us?

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Teleklik Team
 IP blackList
Author: A.Digital5   (9 Mar 23 1:03pm)
Hi there,

I am writing this email to request for delisting the following domain and ip addresses you have included in the blacklist:

If there are things that we need to do, please let us know.

Thank you.

Best Regards,

do not follow this link

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